Showcasing Your Skills: How to Create a Writing Sample for a Marketing Job

Landing a marketing job takes more than a stellar resume. You need to prove you have the writing chops to attract customers and boost conversions. That’s where a compelling writing sample comes in.

Why Writing Samples Matter

Think of your writing sample as a portfolio piece — a snapshot of your ability to create engaging, effective content. It’s your chance to show, not just tell, potential employers what you’re capable of.

What Makes a Strong Writing Sample?

Not all writing samples are created equal. To impress recruiters, your sample should be:

  • Relevant: Choose a piece that aligns with the specific marketing role you’re applying for. Don’t submit a technical white paper if you’re vying for a social media manager position.
  • High-Quality: Proofread meticulously for any grammar or spelling errors. Your writing should be clear, concise, and engaging.
  • Results-Oriented (When Possible): If you can, highlight the impact of your writing. Did a blog post you wrote lead to a surge in website traffic? Did your email campaign result in a significant boost in sales?

Types of Writing Samples to Consider

  • Blog Posts: Share insightful, well-researched blog posts that demonstrate your understanding of a particular industry or topic.
  • Website Copy: Showcase your ability to write compelling and conversion-optimized web copy that drives action.
  • Email Campaigns: Provide examples of engaging email newsletters or marketing emails you’ve crafted.
  • Social Media Content: If you’re applying for a social media role, include a few examples of captivating social media posts or campaigns.
  • Case Studies: Demonstrate your analytical skills and ability to present information in a clear, compelling way with a case study.

Tips for Creating Stellar Writing Samples

  • Tailor Your Sample: Always tailor your writing sample to the specific job description. Research the company and its target audience to ensure your writing resonates.
  • Keep it Concise: Recruiters are busy people. Aim for a writing sample that’s easy to digest — ideally no more than two pages long.
  • Highlight Your Skills: Use your writing sample as an opportunity to showcase the specific skills outlined in the job posting, such as SEO knowledge, storytelling, or persuasive writing.
  • Present it Professionally: Format your writing sample cleanly and ensure it’s easy to read. Consider creating a simple online portfolio to showcase your work.

Remember, a well-crafted writing sample can be your ticket to landing your dream marketing job. It allows you to demonstrate your talent, prove your value, and stand out from the competition.