
Ah, link building. Just when you think you’ve got it down, the rules change again. If you’ve been in the SEO trenches, you know that building those precious backlinks can sometimes feel like trying to climb a greased pole. As we step into 2024, I’ve compiled the ultimate guide to link building and outreach that doesn’t just rehash the same old strategies.

The problem: Most of the link-building guides are outdated or just don’t work anymore. The skyscraper technique (hey, you linked to resource X, I have resource Y, pls link to me) doesn’t work anymore.

From experience I’ve learned a thing or two about what works (and what doesn’t) in the ever-evolving SEO landscape. From debunking outdated methods to presenting a bulletproof link-building campaign, this guide is your ticket to mastering link building in 2024. So, grab your beverage of choice—coffee, beer, whatever floats your boat—and let’s dive in.

Pondering the big question: To link-build or not to link-build? That’s the SEO conundrum we’re tackling first. Let’s get real for a sec—jumping into link building without a bit of groundwork is like trying to bake a cake without preheating the oven. You’re just setting yourself up for a half-baked result.

So, when’s the right time to roll up your sleeves and dive into the world of link building in 2024? Hold your horses if you’re missing these two essentials:

  • A rock-solid SEO strategy that’s more than just wishful thinking.

  • A collection of blog posts or resources that aren’t just gathering digital dust.

    You’ll be putting in the elbow grease without seeing the fruits of your labor, and who’s got time for that?

Also, a heads-up if you’re eyeing SEO as your golden ticket to quick cash: It’s more of a marathon than a sprint. Sure, you might hear tales of quick SEO wins in just a few months, but those are more like finding a four-leaf clover—nice when it happens, but not something to bank on.

If you’re in a rush for revenue and the thought of going bankrupt is keeping you up at night, it might be wise to explore other avenues. Content marketing, PPC, direct sales, email marketing—you’ve got options. Each of these can be your lifeline, pulling you back onto solid financial ground without the slow burn of SEO.

Alright, with that reality check out of the way, let’s see what’s next….

Ah, the good old days when you could slap your link on a forum and call it a day. Those days are gone, my friends. Here’s the skinny on what’s not working anymore:

  • Forum link-building. Most forums no-follow all outgoing backlinks.

  • Web 2.0 links. People spamming their links on Reddit are 100% wasting their time. Google can tell a user-generated content site apart from all other sites. Hence, links from Reddit, Medium, etc. are devalued big-time.

  • Blog comment links. Most blogs no-follow blog comment links, so that’s a waste of time too.

  • PBNs? Sketchy at best.

But here’s the kicker: real, authentic links from topically relevant sites? That’s the gold standard.

Let’s address a widespread myth: the belief that paying for links will automatically lead to penalties or simply won’t be effective.

Here’s what’s actually true: Buying links isn’t inherently problematic unless you’re engaging in questionable practices, such as purchasing low-quality links or rapidly acquiring many links to a single page, which can appear unnatural. Google’s algorithms are sophisticated, but they can’t inherently distinguish a paid link from an organic one based on quality alone.

In several industries, like CBD, forex, and gambling, the reality is starkly pay-to-play. In these competitive fields, investing in backlinks is often a necessity to stay ahead. If you don’t, you may find your competitors swiftly outpacing you in search rankings.

So what works?

The answer is straightforward: authentic connections with websites that are closely related to your topic.

For instance, if your website focuses on fitness, securing backlinks from sites such as authoritative fitness blogs, smaller yoga blogs, or weight loss sites can be highly beneficial. These sites should ideally be publishing content that aligns with your own, making them excellent prospects for backlinking.

Interestingly, links from major media platforms like Mashable or Forbes can also be valuable, even if their content isn’t directly related to yours.

To determine if a backlink is of high quality, look for these indicators:

  • The site attracts over 1,000 visitors from Google, suggesting it’s trusted and relevant.

  • It publishes authentic, well-crafted content.

  • It doesn’t overload its pages with guest posts or sell backlinks in large quantities.

  • It hasn’t faced recent penalties from Google, indicating it maintains good SEO practices.

  • It avoids linking out to or hosting content from less reputable niches like gambling.

  • An “About Us” page is present, offering transparency about who’s behind the site.

Focusing on these criteria can help ensure that the links you build genuinely enhance your site’s SEO and credibility.

Niche-Dependent Strategies

How you do link-building SERIOUSLY depends on your niche.

  1. Blogging About Similar Topics: In niches like yoga, finding relevant sites for link building is comparatively straightforward. The landscape is filled with fitness, yoga, and weight loss blogs eager for fresh content. Many of these platforms are more accessible and open to collaboration, often managed by individuals or small teams. A well-crafted, personalized outreach can open doors to valuable backlinks.

  2. Blogging in the B2B Space: On the other hand, link building in the B2B sector involves more negotiation and reciprocity. Sites may require something of value in return for a backlink, such as:
    • Contributing a high-quality guest post.
    • Forming a partnership of some sort.
    • Engaging in direct or indirect backlink exchanges.

In essence, link building within B2B contexts leans heavily on building and nurturing relationships. It’s about offering value and establishing connections that benefit both parties.

If you’re in a competitive niche: then it’s pay-to-play. A good outreach game will definitely help, but you’ll have to pay a good $ for them to place your backlinks.

Ready for the nitty-gritty? Here’s a quick rundown:

  1. Campaign Type Decision: What’s the bait? A killer resource, infographic, or maybe groundbreaking research?
  2. Link Prospecting: Get your VA on this, stat. It’s all about finding those goldmine sites that will actually care about what you’re offering.
  3. Finding the Point of Contact: Personal blogs to big media, knowing who to reach out to is crucial.
  4. Personalized Outreach: If your email smells like a template, it’s going straight to the bin. Make it personal, make it stand out.
  5. Launch: With your prospects lined up and your outreach perfected, it’s go time.

Think link building is just for the big spenders? Think again. From value-packed guest posts to leveraging platforms like HARO, there are ways to build those links without breaking the bank.

The Best Tools for the Job

From Semrush to Ahrefs and beyond, having the right tools in your arsenal can make or break your link-building efforts. Don’t skimp on this part.


How many outreach emails should I dispatch daily? The appropriate volume of daily outreach emails varies by niche. Begin by calculating your success rate with every 100 emails—let’s say you secure 5 links from 100 attempts. To achieve a goal of 20 links monthly, you’d need to send out approximately 400 emails in that timeframe.

When will I start seeing the effects of backlinks? Typically, the influence of backlinks on your website’s performance becomes apparent within 1 to 3 months after their creation.

How is the ROI of link-building efforts calculated? Determining the exact financial value of each link and, by extension, the return on investment (ROI) from link-building can be challenging. However, if obtaining quality backlinks propels your website from the second page of search results to the top three positions for a targeted keyword, the chances of experiencing a significant ROI are high. This is predicated on the assumption that you’re targeting the right keywords. SEO outcomes can vary, hence the common saying, “it depends.”

Is it possible to achieve high rankings without backlinks? The necessity of backlinks for ranking highly depends on your niche’s competitiveness. In less crowded niches, it might be feasible to secure top positions without a robust backlink profile. However, in most scenarios, the quality and quantity of links are crucial determinants of how well and how swiftly you rank.

Are there penalties for link exchanges? While the concept of reciprocal linking has been scrutinized, it remains prevalent across the web, and most leading sites engage in it to some extent. As long as your strategy doesn’t solely rely on massive direct exchanges, your site’s standing should remain secure.

What’s Google’s stance on buying links? Despite Google’s warnings against the practice, buying links is a common strategy among SEO professionals. When done cautiously and intelligently, it’s unlikely to result in penalties or negatively impact your site.

How can I secure backlinks from major media or authority sites? Gaining backlinks from prominent media or authority sites typically requires leveraging personal connections or engaging in digital PR—tactics that diverge from traditional link-building methods.
