Are Your Competitors Buying Links? Most SEOs Think So.

It’s a question that’s been whispered in SEO circles for years: are our competitors really buying links? Now, a new survey suggests that suspicion runs rampant.

A Staggering Number

A recent poll by SurveyMonkey, commissioned by Digitaloft, surveyed 112 SEO professionals. The results? A jaw-dropping 92% believe their competitors engage in some form of link buying. That’s right – almost everyone thinks someone else is playing dirty.

More Than Just a Hunch

This isn’t just paranoia. Almost half of those surveyed (44%) have actually uncovered hard evidence of link buying within their industries. This suggests that the practice, while officially frowned upon by Google, is still surprisingly common.

Why the Risk?

So, with Google’s algorithms getting smarter and penalties for black-hat tactics becoming harsher, why are competitors still tempted by link buying?

The answer likely boils down to one thing: competition. In the cutthroat world of online marketing, every advantage counts. A higher ranking can mean the difference between success and failure.

Leveling the Playing Field

This data paints a concerning picture for those who play by the rules. When some websites gain an unfair advantage through link buying, it undermines the efforts of those who rely on ethical SEO practices.

The takeaway? Transparency and vigilance are crucial. Sharing knowledge about these tactics and reporting suspicious activity can help create a more level playing field for everyone in the digital landscape.
