Are SEOs Scared Yet?

Let’s face it: SEOs love to worry. Give them something – anything! – and they’ll find a way to interpret it as a sign of the impending apocalypse. (It’s kind of our thing). Lately, there’s been a lot of chatter about the existential threats to SEO.

What’s got SEOs spooked?

I put a call out on Twitter (because where else would I?) to see what’s got SEOs sweating. Here’s a quick rundown of the main culprits:

  • Google updates. This is a perennial favorite (I mean, duh!), but the anxiety levels seem particularly high following the Helpful Content Update and the continual rollout of spam updates.
  • AI content. The robots are coming! Or, at least, that’s what some fear as AI content generators become increasingly sophisticated.
  • Zero-click searches. This one’s been bubbling away for a while, but the fear is that Google will keep users within its own ecosystem, starving websites of traffic (and us, of our jobs…but that’s a whole other story).
  • Google “Self-preferencing.” Google putting its own products and services front and center in search results? Color me shocked. But seriously, this perceived favoritism is causing concern.

The Results Are In

So, I asked, “What’s the single biggest threat to SEO as we know it?” Here’s how you all voted:

  • 48.9% – Google
  • 29.7% – AI Overviews in Search
  • 21.4% – Nothing. SEO will adapt (like it always does).

Google: The 800-Pound Gorilla

No surprises here. Google’s dominance in search makes it both a powerful ally and a potential adversary. Algorithm updates can make or break websites, and their constant evolution keeps us all on our toes (some more gracefully than others).

The big takeaway? Google’s in the driver’s seat, and we’re just along for the ride (whether we like it or not).

AI Overviews: Friend or Foe?

AI-generated content is here to stay – let’s just get that out of the way. But are these overviews coming for our jobs? It’s too early to say for sure, but they certainly have the potential to shake things up.

Don’t Worry, Be… Adaptable?

The optimists among us (bless their hearts) believe that SEO will adapt, as it always has. After all, we’ve weathered countless storms before.

And they’re not entirely wrong. SEO is all about being agile and responsive. We’ve rolled with the punches before, and we’ll do it again (probably with a healthy dose of complaining along the way, let’s be real).

In Conclusion… Maybe?

Listen, nobody has a crystal ball (least of all me). The SEO landscape is constantly shifting, and only time will tell how these threats will play out.

But one thing’s for sure: it’s gonna be interesting.
