Google My Business Leans Into AI for Menu and Photo Management

Google is increasingly relying on artificial intelligence (AI) to manage information on Google Business Profiles (GBPs). This shift impacts how businesses handle two key elements: menus and photos.

AI Steps In to Update Menus

Restaurants using point-of-sale (POS) systems integrated with their GBP might notice an interesting trend. Google is now using AI to pull menu data directly from these systems, sometimes leading to menu updates without direct business intervention.

While convenient, this approach necessitates careful monitoring. Discrepancies between your POS and actual offerings could result in inaccurate menus on your GBP. Regular checks and manual overrides, when needed, are crucial to ensure accuracy.

AI Curates Your Photo Gallery

The use of AI extends beyond menus. Google is leveraging this technology to select and prioritize photos within your GBP. This algorithm aims to showcase the most appealing and relevant visuals to potential customers.

While this offers convenience, understanding its implications is crucial. Businesses should actively manage their photo uploads, ensuring high-quality images that align with their brand and offerings. Ignoring your photo gallery might mean missing out on showcasing your strengths effectively.

Staying Ahead of the AI Curve

The increasing reliance on AI underscores the evolving nature of GBP management. Staying informed about these changes is no longer optional, but essential. Proactively managing your online presence, understanding the interplay between automation and manual control, and regularly reviewing your profile are now cornerstones of a successful GBP strategy.
