Google Search Ranking Bug Unrelated to the Core Update

Yesterday, Google confirmed a search ranking bug that is impacting some queries. This bug is unrelated to the recent core update that finished rolling out on March 16th.

What’s happening?

Since late last week, SEOs and site owners have been reporting significant ranking fluctuations. This led many to believe that a new Google update was rolling out. However, Google has now confirmed that these fluctuations are due to a bug, not a core update.

Google is working on a fix

The good news is that Google is aware of the issue and is actively working on a fix. While there’s no estimated time of arrival for the fix, it’s reassuring to know they are addressing it.

What should you do?

There’s no need to panic or make drastic changes to your website. Continue following SEO best practices and focus on creating high-quality content.

This bug serves as a reminder that Google’s algorithms are complex and constantly evolving. While updates and bugs can be frustrating, it’s important to stay informed and adapt to changes as they arise.
