Chrome Actions Get More Local on Mobile

Google is constantly striving to make our online experiences smoother, and their latest move with Chrome Actions focuses on how we interact with local businesses. Now, directly within your Chrome address bar on mobile, you can trigger specific actions related to nearby places.

Streamlining Your Local Search Experience

Remember those handy shortcuts Google rolled out for desktop Chrome last year? You know, the ones that let you type things like “find directions” or “make a reservation” followed by the business name? They’re making their way to mobile!

Finding Food Just Got Easier

Imagine this: you’re craving pizza. With this update, you can simply type “find pizza near me” into the Chrome address bar, and boom – a list of nearby pizzerias pops up, ready for you to explore.

Beyond Just Food

But it’s not just about satisfying your hunger pangs. Need to quickly find the closest gas station with the cheapest prices? Type “find cheap gas near me” into Chrome, and you’re good to go.

A Gradual Rollout

As with many of Google’s new features, this one is rolling out gradually. So, if you don’t see it on your phone just yet, don’t fret – it’s on its way! This update is just another way Google is trying to bridge the gap between our online and offline worlds, making it easier than ever to connect with local businesses.
