Google August 2024 Core Update Begins Rollout

It’s that time again! Google has announced a new broad core update, dubbed the “August 2024 Core Update,” is beginning to roll out today. As always, these updates are designed to improve the overall search experience, ensuring users find the most relevant and helpful content for their queries.

Expect Volatility and Fluctuations

Brace yourselves, webmasters and SEOs, for the next few weeks may bring some ranking turbulence. Google’s Danny Sullivan confirmed the rollout will take “a couple of weeks” to fully complete. During this period, expect to see fluctuations in your website’s rankings and traffic as the update filters through the system.

No Specific Issues Targeted

Unlike some updates that focus on specific aspects like page experience or spam, Google reiterates that core updates are broader in scope. They aim to improve how the overall search system evaluates and ranks content. This means there are no “fixes” for websites that might see a dip in performance.

Focus on Quality Content & User Experience

The best course of action remains the same: focus on delivering high-quality, relevant content that provides a great user experience.

  • Review Google’s Search Quality Rater Guidelines: This document offers valuable insights into what Google considers high-quality content.
  • Monitor Your Analytics: Keep a close eye on your website’s traffic and rankings to identify any significant changes during and after the update.
  • Don’t Panic, Focus on Long-Term Strategies: Algorithm updates are part and parcel of the SEO landscape. Rather than chasing quick fixes, concentrate on building a strong foundation for your website with excellent content and user experience at its core.
