Google AI Overviews Gains New Features

Google is making it easier to evaluate information in Search. The company announced several new features for AI Overviews, including citations, links, and more.

Understanding AI Overviews

AI Overviews, formerly known as Search Generative Experience (SGE), is an experimental feature that uses artificial intelligence to provide summarized answers to your queries directly within the search results. Now, these summaries are getting some important updates.

New Features for AI Overviews

  • Citations and Links: Previously, you couldn’t tell where the information in AI Overviews came from. Now, Google is adding citations and links, making it easier to verify the information and explore different perspectives.
  • Definitions for Technical Topics: If you’re searching for something technical, like “quantum computing,” AI Overviews will now provide definitions of key terms. This will help you understand complex topics more easily.
  • Improved Code Generation: AI Overviews can already generate code in various programming languages. This feature is being enhanced to provide even more comprehensive and helpful code examples.

Why This Matters

These updates are designed to address some of the concerns raised about AI Overviews, particularly around transparency and accuracy. By providing citations and links, Google is making it clearer where the information comes from and allowing users to fact-check more easily.

Adding definitions for technical terms will also make AI Overviews more useful for a wider range of queries. And improving the code generation capabilities will be a boon for developers who use Google Search for help with their coding projects.

Google is rolling out these features gradually. You can try out AI Overviews by signing up for Search Labs, Google’s hub for experimental Search features.
