Are AI Search Engines Making a Dent in Google’s Traffic?

Despite the hype surrounding new AI-powered search engines, early data suggests they haven’t noticeably impacted Google Search traffic or the types of queries users are searching.

Examining Google Search Interest

Analyzing Google Trends data for “ChatGPT,” “Bing AI,” and “” reveals a significant spike in interest for ChatGPT in December 2022, followed by increased attention for Bing AI and in February 2023. However, this heightened interest doesn’t necessarily translate to a shift in user behavior on Google Search.

Search Queries Remain Consistent

Data from Similarweb, which tracks website traffic, indicates that Google Search traffic and the types of search queries have remained largely consistent. This suggests that while people are curious about AI search engines, they haven’t abandoned their reliance on Google for everyday searches.

What This Means for SEOs

For now, SEOs can breathe a sigh of relief. Google’s dominance remains seemingly unchallenged, and the fundamental principles of SEO remain relevant. Focusing on quality content, technical optimization, and user experience should continue to be top priorities.

However, the emergence of AI search engines warrants close observation. The landscape could shift rapidly as these tools evolve and users become more accustomed to new ways of searching. It’s crucial to stay informed about developments in the AI search space and adapt SEO strategies accordingly.
